IES-Amsterdam: Psychology and Sciences

Program Details

Program Location Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sponsor IES
Program Type Co-sponsored
Course # SA 33001
Duration Semester or
2 Semesters
Upcoming Program Dates
Spring 2025 01/26/25 to 05/30/25
Fall 2024 08/18/24 to 12/21/24
Past Dates
Spring 2024 01/28/24 to 06/01/24
Page Links
Click here to apply for this program!
Please Note: Programs may be altered or adapted with little notice


IES-Amsterdam: Psychology and Sciences

Study Psychology or the sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Located in the South of Amsterdam and boasting a diverse student population, the VU offers a wide array of courses taught in English by professors and researchers who are among the best in their fields. Take classes with Dutch and international students, and gain an international perspective that only comes with study abroad.

According to Lonely Planet, 'Amsterdam combines a huge case of big city exuberance with small-town manageability. Amsterdam's quintessential Dutchness shines through: the 17th- and 18th-century architecture, the fleets of bicycles, the tree-lined canals and scattered parks all contribute to the mood of the city.' The Dutch are known for their openness and tolerance which has helped give Amsterdam its reputation as a place for experimentation in the arts, social welfare, environmentalism, and lifestyles.

Because Dutch is not frequently studied outside of the Netherlands, mastery of English is a core feature of Dutch education and many people in Amsterdam speak fluent, colloquial English. Dutch universities have sought to attract international students by offering courses taught in English in a variety of fields. This program offers students the chance to integrate academically and culturally with the Dutch people without prior study of the Dutch language.

Please note this program has an earlier application deadline than most programs. Serious applicants should be sure to note the deadline. Late applications cannot be accepted.

For more program information, please visit the program website. This program is sponsored by:IES.


IES-Amsterdam: Psychology and Sciences

The program is open to all undergraduate students who have completed four full college semesters by the start of the program (about 60 credit hours). Transfer credits from AP Exams are not counted towards this total.  Courses are not open to sophomores. Successful candidates will demonstrate academic success, maturity, and a desire to experience another culture.

For those interested in taking Psychology courses, you must have taken five psychology courses at the University level before the start of the program. AP courses will not be considered.

GPA Requirement: 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
Language Requirement: none

Purdue Credit

Direct Credit available from the following: [College of Liberal Arts] [College of Health and Human Sciences]
Specifically from: PSY, PUBH, & HK (HHS)

Students interested in completing courses while abroad from Purdue colleges or departments that are not listed above should discuss this with their study abroad advisor before applying to the program.

Academic Program

While in Amsterdam, you'll take 15-18 credits per semester and study at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), known for its strong offerings in Psychology and the sciences. Take 2-5 Psychology courses at VU and up to 3 IES area studies courses at the IES center, such as Dutch Language and Culture, among other offerings. More information on courses available can be found here

Students have access to university facilities including the libraries, computer rooms, student restaurants and canteens as well as memberships in student clubs and sports teams.


Excursion information is subject to change.

Even though your adventure starts in Amsterdam, field trips take you beyond the city to discover the culture and traditions of your host country. Field trips may carry an additional fee, in some cases.

Examples of where you might go include Rotterdam, Keukenhof, Texel, Zaanse Schans, Maastricht, or a local farm visit to make cheese. 

Visit the IES website for more information. 


In IES housing, you will meet other IES Abroad students, international students, travelers, and (young) professionals. During orientation you will get an extensive neighborhood tour from onsite staff. Additionally, reception staff will be available to answer any questions you might have. All housing locations are in safe areas with public transport.

Base Option: You will have a single or shared room with an ensuite bathroom. Your room will be fully furnished with a bed, wardrobe, and shared kitchen.

Premium Option: You will have a single room with an ensuite bathroom. Your room will be slightly larger than the Base option. Your room will be fully furnished with a bed, wardrobe, and shared kitchen. This option carries an additional cost.

Premium Plus Option: You will be centrally located in Amsterdam at this housing option. You will have a single room with an ensuite bathroom. Your bedroom will be furnished with a bed, wardrobe, and desk. You will share a kitchen with other IES Abroad students. This option carries an additional cost.

Estimated Program Costs

Students pursuing program participation accept financial responsibility. Purdue will take measures to mitigate financial risks, although will not be liable for loss.
Students should carefully note what costs need to be paid to Purdue University or to a co-sponsor or agency, and what costs need to be paid at the overseas study location.  This will vary by program.

The Program Fee includes tuition and on-site orientation.

Some housing options or courses may carry additional fees, see IES website for more details. 

Costs for this program are estimated and subject to change. The cost figures listed below are for: Fall 2024

Costs per semester to be billed by Purdue and Co-sponsor
Program Fee $17,309.00
Study Abroad Fee $914.10
Housing $5,595.00
Insurance $245.00
Program Discount for Purdue Students - $1,000.00

Approximate additional costs per semester
To be paid by the student.
Round-trip Airfare $1,800.00
Local Transportation $490.00
Visa $325.00
Books and Supplies $110.00
Meals $4,700.00
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses $0.00 - $2,200.00
Travel Documents (passport, photos) $175.00

Financial Aid

Purdue University financial aid may be applied to the costs of studying abroad. Students interested in receiving financial aid should

NOTE:  Recipients of certain tuition remission and scholarship programs should pay careful attention to the regulations for using those benefits for study abroad.  Ask your financial aid advisor about any limitations.

Click here for a list of scholarships and grants available to assist with the costs of studying overseas.

Application Deadlines

For full consideration, students must submit all supporting documents (typically an essay, transcripts, 1-2 recommendations, and copy of passport) before or by the application deadline.  Popular programs fill quickly, often before the deadline. To ensure a place in a program, apply early.

As soon as a student submits an online application, a My Study Abroad account is created. Applicants should consult this page often to check on the status of the application.

Program Application Deadline
Fall Semester Mar 1
Spring Semester Aug 24

Returnees Information

IES-Amsterdam: Psychology and Sciences

Click below to search for Purdue students who have participated in this program and are willing to be contacted.  If you get no results, you can use the search form to find people who studied in the country you are interested in.


The websites listed below contain information about this program. The accuracy of information at external sites cannot be guaranteed.

For more information on this program, please contact the Study Abroad Office by phone (765) 494-2383 or email