If you have questions about this program, email the program leader listed below.

Three Week, Three Nations: Territory, Identity, and Belonging in 21st Century Britain

Program Details

The arrangements for the travel, housing, meals, excursions and course content of this program have been made by the leader. Questions about this program can only be answered by the program leader listed below.

Program Type Departmental
Program Location London, Cardiff, Manchester, Inverness, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Course # SA 11003
Duration Summer
Upcoming Program Dates
To Be Announced
Past Dates
Summer 2024 05/05/24 to 05/28/24

Program Leader

Name Nathan Swanson
Email swanso64@purdue.edu
Please Note: Programs may be altered or adapted with little notice

Enrollment Details: Enrollment Currently Closed

Program Description

The exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union has made questions of territory, identity, and belonging in Britain as salient as ever. Brexit has exposed and renewed deep divides in the UK, as the boundaries of British identity and its meaning in the 21st century are openly contested, and Britain’s diverse migrant communities and others at the margins of society are thrust unwillingly to the center of these debates. At the same time, some in the UK are turning away from “Britain” as a source of collective identity altogether, favoring instead more local sources of identity. This three-week program will focus on these developments and allow us to witness them first-hand as we travel through England, Wales, and Scotland.


We will explore how these nations look to the past in defining themselves (and even one another), thinking critically about who is valued and who is excluded in traditional narratives of the nation. With attention to the experiences of Black British people, migrant communities, and other historically marginalized populations in the UK today, we will interrogate the dissonance that so often exists between national politics and the everyday lives of ordinary people. With the island of Great Britain as our classroom, we will visit major historical sites and world-class museums, join local guides for unique tours of cities and neighborhoods, meet with guest speakers, and experience a diverse range of cultures and natural landscapes.

Arthur's Seat


If you missed the "Three Weeks, Three Nations" callout on 21 September, you are invited to view the recording here!

Academic Credit

Students will earn 6 HONR credits for this study away experience.



Preliminary Program Itinerary (subject to change)








Please contact the faculty program leader, Dr. Nathan Swanson: swanso64@purdue.edu.




This program is open to all Purdue students. A GPA of 3.0 or higher is required to enroll in HONR courses.

Program Cost

Students pursuing program participation accept financial responsibility. Purdue will take measures to mitigate financial risks, although will not be liable for loss.

Estimated program cost:  $5790

  • Includes: program fees; accommodations; daily breakfasts; day trips, entrances, guest speakers, and other course activities; airport transfers; and ground transportation
  • Does not include: airfare and some meals (lunch/dinner)


Purdue Moves Scholarship

Participants who are US citizens or permanent residents are strongly encouraged to apply for the Purdue Moves Scholarship through the MyStudyAbroad system. Purdue Moves awards are based on total family income and require having a FAFSA on file. For this Maymester program, participants are eligible for the following amounts of scholarship funding, which can be applied to the program fee billed by Purdue but also expenses like airfare.

- Total family income of $50,000 or less: $1500 applied to the program cost
- Total family income of $50,001 to $75,000: $1000 applied to the program cost
- Total family income of $75,001 to $100,000: $800 applied to the program cost
- Total family income of $100,001 or greater: Ineligible

For complete details on eligibility, application procedures, and deadlines, please visit https://www.studyabroad.purdue.edu/programs/aid/details.cfm?scholarid=228.

Students are also encouraged to apply for an Experiential Education Scholarship, offered through the Office of Experiental Education. Learn more and apply at https://exed.purdue.edu/funding/student.php.

Additional financial aid information can be found below!

Please do NOT make any financial commitments toward the program (such as purchasing airfare) until instructed by the program leader. Neither the Honors College nor Purdue University will be liable for refunds should programs be canceled owing to mitigation measures taken due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Application Deadline

Applications are being processed on a rolling basis. Once an application has been moved into "accepted" status, payment of the deposit ($500) formally reserves a place in the program. Applications will close once all seats in the program have been filled. If this page is indicating to you that enrollment is closed, you are welcome to contact the program leader about being placed on the waitlist.

Update, 25 February 2024: As of today, we have only one remaining seat in the program. Because the priority deposit deadline has passed, the remaining seat will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.. Enrollment will stay open through the end of February, unless our ground provider requires us to close the book sooner!


Financial Aid

Purdue University financial aid may be applied to the costs of studying abroad. Students interested in receiving financial aid should

NOTE:  Recipients of certain tuition remission and scholarship programs should pay careful attention to the regulations for using those benefits for study abroad.  Ask your financial aid advisor about any limitations.

Click here for a list of scholarships and grants available to assist with the costs of studying overseas.