CIEE-Shanghai: Business, Language and Culture

Program Details

Program Location Shanghai, China
Sponsor CIEE
Program Type Co-sponsored
Course # SA 31004
Duration Semester
Upcoming Program Dates
Spring 2025 02/22/25 to 06/07/25
Fall 2024 08/31/24 to 12/14/24
Past Dates
Spring 2024 02/24/24 to 06/08/24
Page Links
Click here to apply for this program!
Please Note: Programs may be altered or adapted with little notice


Perched on the banks of the Huangpu River and the East China Sea, Shanghai is China’s largest city by population, and a global hub of culture, commerce, and finance. Massively redeveloped over the past 20 years, the city boasts many of the world’s latest and greatest. The list includes: uber-tall buildings stretching up in the new financial district; and the world’s fastest-growing rapid-transit system featuring the world’s first commercial high-speed Maglev train.

Improve your Chinese language skills and boost your cultural knowledge while studying international business in Shanghai — a global hub of culture, commerce, and finance. Students take classes in English at CIEE Shanghai across a range of subject areas, including business, communications, and political science. Students can also opt for a for-credit internship and gain practical work experience and firsthand insight into Chinese business culture. All courses are complemented with CIEE co-curricular activities and excursions beyond the city to enhance classroom learning and provide intercultural understanding.

For more program information, please visit the program website. This program is sponsored by:CIEE.


The program is open to Purdue students in good standing who have completed at least two semesters of university study by the start of the program. Successful candidates will demonstrate academic success, maturity, and a desire to experience another culture. 

Three semesters of college-level microeconomics or macroeconomics, accounting, finance, management, or marketing.

GPA Requirement: 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
Language Requirement: none

Purdue Credit

Direct Credit available from the following: [College of Liberal Arts] [Daniels School of Business]
Specifically from: SLC (CLA)

Students interested in completing courses while abroad from Purdue colleges or departments that are not listed above should discuss this with their study abroad advisor before applying to the program.

Academic Program

Students must take 4-5 courses, for a total of 15 U.S. semester credits, including:

  • 2 business courses
  • 2-3 additional courses from the following:
    • Additional business courses
    • A Chinese language course
    • Elective courses in English or Chinese
    • Organizational Internship
    • Directed Independent Research
For more information about course offerings, click here.


Due to COVID-19, excursions are subject to change.

Students participate in a multiple-day excursion for an in-depth look at Chinese culture and history. Past excursions have included:

  • Silk Road Trade Route – This famous premodern route enabled the exchange of merchandise, as well as religious, cultural, and artistic ideas. Students travel from the head of the northern route in Xi’an to Dunhuang, the City of Sands, a desert oasis at the junction of the northern and southern trade routes. Offered during fall term only.
  • Tea and Horse Road – This ancient network of mountain paths connected the tea-growing regions of southwestern China to Burma and India by mule caravan through the mountains and valleys of Yunnan and Sichuan provinces and Tibet. Students may travel to Lijiang and Shangri-La, seat of a Tibetan autonomous prefecture near the border of Tibet. Offered during spring term only.
  • Global Business in China – Explore the Pearl River Delta Region in Southern China and sites such as the Canton World Trading Fair, one of the oldest world's trading fairs. Students visit companies and attend lectures on business development and industry, take a city tour, and visit a local temple.
  • Convergence of Cultures – You’ll find some of the most traditional forms of Chinese culture preserved on the island of Taiwan, which maintains a thriving civil society with a democratic political system and capitalist economy. See why this culture is described as a blend of Chinese and Japanese cultures, with traditional Confucian beliefs and contemporary Western values. Visit the National Palace Museum, Taipei 101, aboriginal communities, the port city of Kaoshiung, the night markets of Tainan, and more.


Homestays: Ideal for students who want to make rapid progress with their language skills – Chinese families speak only Chinese. Students have their own bedrooms in the host family apartment, and share the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Host apartments are a 5 to 60 minute walk or commute by public transportation from campus. 

Residence Halls: Students choose to live with a Chinese ECNU student – and speak only Chinese – or with another CIEE student in a five-story hall on the ECNU campus. There are shared kitchens and bathrooms on each floor, plus study areas and laundry facilities. The hall is a 10-minute walk to CIEE and close to public transportation.

Estimated Program Costs

Students pursuing program participation accept financial responsibility. Purdue will take measures to mitigate financial risks, although will not be liable for loss.
Students should carefully note what costs need to be paid to Purdue University or to a co-sponsor or agency, and what costs need to be paid at the overseas study location.  This will vary by program.
The Program and Housing Fees include: Tuition, on-site orientation, housing, and excursions. Depending on the housing choice, visa, some meals might be included.

Costs for this program are estimated and subject to change. The cost figures listed below are for: Fall 2024

Costs per semester to be billed by Purdue and Co-sponsor
Program Fee $14,656.00
Study Abroad Fee $914.10
Housing $5,000.00
Insurance $194.00

Approximate additional costs per semester
To be paid by the student.
Round-trip Airfare $1,300.00
Local Transportation $300.00
Books and Supplies $50.00
Meals $1,760.00
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses $0.00 - $355.00
Travel Documents (passport, photos) $175.00

Financial Aid

CIEE has scholarships available, more information can be found HERE.

Purdue University financial aid may be applied to the costs of studying abroad. Students interested in receiving financial aid should

NOTE:  Recipients of certain tuition remission and scholarship programs should pay careful attention to the regulations for using those benefits for study abroad.  Ask your financial aid advisor about any limitations.

Click here for a list of scholarships and grants available to assist with the costs of studying overseas.

Application Deadlines

For full consideration, students must submit all supporting documents (typically an essay, transcripts, 1-2 recommendations, and copy of passport) before or by the application deadline.  Popular programs fill quickly, often before the deadline. To ensure a place in a program, apply early.

As soon as a student submits an online application, a My Study Abroad account is created. Applicants should consult this page often to check on the status of the application.

Program Application Deadline
Most Fall Semester Programs Mar 1
Most Spring Semester Programs Sep 15

Returnees Information

Click below to search for Purdue students who have participated in this program and are willing to be contacted.  If you get no results, you can use the search form to find people who studied in the country you are interested in.


The websites listed below contain information about this program. The accuracy of information at external sites cannot be guaranteed.

For more information on this program, please contact the Study Abroad Office by phone (765) 494-2383 or email