If you have questions about this program, email the program leader listed below.

In the English Landscape (AG)

Program Details

The arrangements for the travel, housing, meals, excursions and course content of this program have been made by the leader. Questions about this program can only be answered by the program leader listed below.

Program Type Departmental
Program Location London, Banbury, Stoke on Trent, Devizes, United Kingdom
Course # SA 21269
Duration Summer
Upcoming Program Dates
To Be Announced
Past Dates
Summer 2024 05/15/24 to 06/06/24

Program Leader
Purdue University
Rm 104 Agriculture Administration Building (AGAD)
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1168

Phone: 765-494-6876
Fax: 765-494-9613
Email: AgAbroad@purdue.edu
Please Note: Programs may be altered or adapted with little notice

Program Description


This intensive, four-week study-abroad course is designed for immersion in all things British, and to familiarize students with the ways that human culture and natural environments intersect to create landscapes. 

In the English Landscape is offered in even years. 

As far back as the historical record reaches, human beings have tried to alter and control their environments to make them more "beautiful," more "orderly," more impressive of the power of the gardeners, or more reflective of the glory of their creator-gods. Environmental factors, such as climate, topography, and available flora and fauna, have always guided the labors of landscape designers and horticulturists; at the same time human aspirations of power, class, and ambition usually drove their employers. Natural science and human culture came together in history, as people in particular times and places strove to display their prowess, "improve" their surroundings, or express their appreciation for the universe of living things. These are the intersections we explore in this course.

The primary location is in Devizes, Wiltshire (about two hours west of London). Several days will be spent in London as well as a brief time in the area of Manchester. Many days are in the field on landscape sites or at galleries or in urban parks.

Application for In the English Landscape begins in the fall.  The priority registration deadline is November 30, with continuing registration on a space-availability basis until February 1.  Contact Dr. Dana for specific instructions on how to apply.

For more information contact:

Prof. Mike Dana, Horticulture
494-5923; dana@purdue.edu
205 HORT (Horticulture Building)


Participants will earn 3 credits of HIST or HORT or LA 45000.  



Academic Credit

3 credits in HORT/HIST/LA 45000.


Must remain in good academic standing with the college.

Program Cost

Students pursuing program participation accept financial responsibility. Purdue will take measures to mitigate financial risks, although will not be liable for loss.

Application Deadline

This program is operated on a bi-annual basis by International Programs in Agriculture (IPIA) and is open to students from any Purdue major.


Financial Aid

Purdue University financial aid may be applied to the costs of studying abroad. Students interested in receiving financial aid should

NOTE:  Recipients of certain tuition remission and scholarship programs should pay careful attention to the regulations for using those benefits for study abroad.  Ask your financial aid advisor about any limitations.

Click here for a list of scholarships and grants available to assist with the costs of studying overseas.