Leeds Beckett University (AG)

Program Details

Program Location Leeds, United Kingdom
Sponsor IPIA
Program Type Exchange
Course # SA 21211
Duration Semester or
2 Semesters
Upcoming Program Dates
To Be Announced
Page Links
Click here to apply for this program!
Please Note: Programs may be altered or adapted with little notice


Program Leader:

Purdue University
Rm 104 Agriculture Administration Building (AGAD)
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-1168

Phone: 765-494-6876
Fax: 765-494-9613
Email: AgAbroad@purdue.edu

The exchange program to Leeds Beckett University is open only to Landscape Architecture majors within the College of Agriculture.  If you would like more information regarding the program please contact either Dr. Bernie Dahl (494-1330; bdahl@purdue.edu), or Professor Kent Schuette (494-1324; schuettk@purdue.edu).  Please see below for information regarding application procedures. 

Leeds Beckett University is striving to be a world-class regional university, with world-wide horizons. Leeds Met. is one of the largest universities in the UK, with over 27,000 students. 

Leeds is one of the most popular student cities in the UK with over 250,000 students. The city is geared to students’ needs and has something to offer everyone: a vibrant nightlife, cultural attractions, premier sport and some of the best sports facilities in the UK.  The Yorkshire Moors and Dales are less than an hour away. The city is friendly and cosmopolitan and the cost of living is lower than in many parts of the UK. 

The Leeds School of Architecture, Landscape and Design, a part of the Faculty of Arts and Society has over 900 students studying full and part time with an academic and support staff of nearly 50.  Proud of its long tradition of creative endeavor, the School today builds on traditional practice and embraces new media and technologies. Creativity, community engagement, sustainability and international perspectives are key components of all programs.  A vibrant staff research and practice culture focused on interdisciplinary design, community and environmental art and sustainable architecture underpins academic study. Support to students is also provided within a customized building with a range of facilities including design studios with computers, study rooms and specialist areas as well as all the facilities afforded by the University’s Civic Quarter such as computer suites and library.

For more program information, please visit the program website.


GPA Requirement: Good Academic Standing on a 4.0 scale
Language Requirement: none

Purdue Credit

Direct Credit available from the following: [College of Agriculture]
Specifically from: Landscape Architecture

Financial Aid

Purdue University financial aid may be applied to the costs of studying abroad. Students interested in receiving financial aid should

NOTE:  Recipients of certain tuition remission and scholarship programs should pay careful attention to the regulations for using those benefits for study abroad.  Ask your financial aid advisor about any limitations.

Click here for a list of scholarships and grants available to assist with the costs of studying overseas.

Application Deadlines

This program is operated by International Programs in Agriculture (IPIA), and is intended only for Agriculture majors.

Program Application Deadline
Fall Semester Programs Mar 1
Spring Semester Programs Sep 15

Returnees Information

Click below to search for Purdue students who have participated in this program and are willing to be contacted.  If you get no results, you can use the search form to find people who studied in the country you are interested in.


The websites listed below contain information about this program. The accuracy of information at external sites cannot be guaranteed.

For more information on this program, please contact the Study Abroad Office by phone (765) 494-2383 or email studyabroad@purdue.edu.