If you have questions about this program, email the program leader listed below.

French Culture: Food and Health

Program Details

The arrangements for the travel, housing, meals, excursions and course content of this program have been made by the leader. Questions about this program can only be answered by the program leader listed below.

Program Type Departmental
Program Location Riorges, Lyon, France
Course # SA 10223
Duration Summer
Upcoming Program Dates
To Be Announced
Past Dates
Summer 2024 05/25/24 to 06/02/24

Program Leader

Name Alvin Furiya
Email afuriya@purdue.edu
Click here to enroll in this program!
Please Note: Programs may be altered or adapted with little notice

Program Description

January 18, 2024 Update - The 2024 Program has a full roster. Thank you for your interest!

Please remember this program for 2025 Study Abroad Program - Contact Alvin Furiya at afuriya@purdue.edu for details.





Join us during Maymester 2025 for a stay in Riorges, Roanne, and Lyon in the gastronomical heart of France.

This one-week program provides you the opportunity to earn academic credit while exploring the rich culinary, cultural, and health characteristics of France.  Scientists have studied the French Paradox: the observation that the French eat such rich food and yet their rates of heart disease are less than that of Americans.  We explore the scientific and social issues surrounding this contradiction while simultaneously being immersed in the culture of French food and eating patterns.  You can enjoy the peaceful surroundings and people of a French town between cooking lessons from French chefs and daily excursions to local farmers’ markets, a vineyard, an oil press, a chocolate maker, various restaurants, and more.  

We'll travel to France on TBD stay 6 nights and 7 days in a chateau in the town of Riorges, and take day trips to nearby cities and attractions.  The last day/night will be in Lyon, considered the gastronomy center of France. 



Academic Credit

Students earn 2 credits for a letter grade.  This course meets the Purdue requirement for the foundational learning outcome in Science, Technology and Society (STS).

You will spend 7 hours in class prior to our time in France, spread across 5 MANDATORY class meetings, all at 6-730pm on dates and in locations that will be determined. Class dates are tentatively scheduled 2024-  January 16 and 30th, February 27th, March 26th, and April 23rd

During this class time, we learn about various factors related to French food, culture and health, and how they compare to American food, culture and health.  We will also take time to prepare you for international travel, etiquette and safety practices.


Any student in any major* in good academic standing is eligible for this course.  There are no prerequisites, language or skill requirements.  Past students have been from at least 24 different majors.  Maximum enrollment is approximately 14 students, which is limited by the capacity of our accommodations.  Students who participate enjoy getting to know their fellow students in a small, relaxed setting.    *French majors may participate, but should be aware that this course does not meet the French department’s requirements for language immersion.

Note: If a student is on academic probation, you cannot participate in this study abroad program.

Program Cost

Students pursuing program participation accept financial responsibility. Purdue will take measures to mitigate financial risks, although will not be liable for loss.

The estimated total cost is TBD.  The estimated total cost includes your flight, all meals (except 2), housing and ground transportation within France for the week, insurance and the Study Abroad fee. This amount is billed by the University after you register for SA 10223, and that won't be until March at the earliest.  To be ultimately "accepted" into the program, you must make a $500 deposit that will go towards the full payment fee.  Instructions for making the deposit are in the section below called "Application Deadlines" (step #4).  The program fee includes all meals (except 2), housing, and transportation within France for the week.  Additional expenses you should factor in are the cost of a passport, airfare, and souvenirs.

The estimated cost may vary based on the value of EURO to USD, and discretionary spending.

Check here for HHS scholarships and here for scholarships listed by the Study Abroad office.  I always recommend this particular scholarship for $500-1000 because it is a relatively simple application and most eligible applicants are awarded some funding.  

Application Deadline


1. Apply to our program on the Study Abroad website where it says Click Here to Enroll in this Program

2. Go to your My Study Abroad page to complete and upload these 4 forms: Medical Information, Risk & Responsibility, Information Release, Participation/Cancellation policy.

3. Upload a copy of your Passport to your My Study Abroad page. If you don’t have a passport yet, go to the post office ASAP to get that process started and keep a copy of that post office receipt to show that this step is underway.

4.Make your $500 deposit online as soon as possible* AND upload a screenshot of your receipt to your My Study Abroad page. THIS IS THE FINAL STEP THAT RESERVES YOUR SPOT.


Your status will be changed to "ACCEPTED" after all of the above steps are completed.  

Financial Aid

Purdue University financial aid may be applied to the costs of studying abroad. Students interested in receiving financial aid should

NOTE:  Recipients of certain tuition remission and scholarship programs should pay careful attention to the regulations for using those benefits for study abroad.  Ask your financial aid advisor about any limitations.

Click here for a list of scholarships and grants available to assist with the costs of studying overseas.