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Program: Education in Transnational Arenas

You have selected to apply for a DEPARTMENTAL STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM.


1) This program has been organized by a Purdue academic department, school or college. Questions about the content, credits, itinerary, costs and application process should be directed to the Program Leader, whose email address and telephone number are listed on the program’s web page.

2) Applicants should first discuss this program with the program leader and then submit an application. The leader’s name, email address and telephone number are listed on the program’s web page.

3) The on-line application should take no more than ten minutes to complete. If you cannot complete the application at this time, please return to this site later. You will not be able to save the information if you stop before completing it.

Before beginning an application, make sure you’ve reviewed the eligibility policies for study abroad.

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