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Program: National Taiwan University
You have selected to apply for an EXCHANGE PROGRAM. Exchange Programs are based on agreements between Purdue University and an international institute or university. Purdue students enroll at a partner university for one or two semesters or, in some cases, a special summer program. While participating in an exchange program, students pay regular Purdue tuition and fees as well as an additional fee for emergency medical insurance. They will need to make arrangements for their accommodation at the partner university and pay for housing, meals, travel and personal expenses themselves.
1) Have you done your research to ensure this program is a good fit for you? If you’re not sure or have questions about the program, please call 765-494-2 After submitting the form you will have access to a special page, My Study Abroad, where you can check the status of your application, including any additional application requirements.
Only Purdue students may apply to this program.
Before beginning an application, make sure you’ve reviewed the eligibility policies for study abroad.
If you are applying to study abroad during your final term before graduation, you must also review the relevant participation policies for study abroad and inform your study abroad advisor that you are a graduation candidate.