Program Search Results

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Intercultural Learning in Health and Human Sciences: Lived Experiences in Taiwan
SA 10220
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Taiwan
Duration: Winter Break
Language Requirements: none Sem
Approved By: [College of Health and Human Sciences]
Specifically for: HHS credit
National Cheng Kung University
SA 20281
Program Type: Exchange
Country: Taiwan
Duration: Spring Semester
Language Offered: Chinese
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Engineering] [College of Liberal Arts] [College of Science]
Specifically for: AAE, CHE, ECE, ME (ENGR), CS (SCI), SLC (CLA), IDIS (CLA)
National Chengchi University
SA 20280
Program Type: Exchange
Country: Taiwan
Duration: Semester or 2 Semesters
Language Offered: Chinese
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Health and Human Sciences] [Daniels School of Business]
Specifically for: HTM (HHS)
National Taiwan University
SA 21220
Program Type: Exchange
Country: Taiwan
Duration: Summer or Semester
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Agriculture] [College of Engineering]
Specifically for: ECE (ENGR)
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
SA 20282
Program Type: Exchange
Country: Taiwan
Duration: Semester
Language Offered: Chinese
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Engineering]
Specifically for: ECE, ME (ENGR)
Taiwan - Huayu Best program -- Enrollment is currently closed --
SA 10340
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Taiwan
Duration: Summer
Language Offered: Chinese
Language Requirements: none Sem
Approved By: [College of Liberal Arts]
Specifically for: CHNS credit

6 Programs Matched Criteria.

Notes to Professors:
For information on adding a departmental study abroad program, please click here.