Study Abroad Ambassadors

 Ambassadors work to boost participation & connect fellow world-travelers

Promotion: Represent Purdue Study Abroad through outreach & recruitment activities meant to educate, and increase participation.   

PASSPORTAssist with the integration of our domestic and exchange students by helping ensure the success of this social club.  This includes PASSPORT Partners, a buddy program for returning study abroad participants & exchange students new to campus.

If interested in applying to becoming an Ambassador, or if you would like to request an Ambassador to speak to your class, or organization, please email Michael Bittinger at

[Ambassador's Schedule of Events]

College of Agriculture

Grant Johnson
Major: Farm Management
Study Abroad Experience:
  Global Egypt: Culture, Diversity, and Globalization (Egypt)
  Discovering Agriculture, Food, History, and Culture of Greece (Greece)
  A Taste of Spain and Portugal (Multiple Countries)
Jenna Schoonmaker
Major: Biochemistry
Study Abroad Experience:
  University College Dublin - AG (Ireland)

College of Engineering

Samantha Langdon
Major: Chemical Engineering
Study Abroad Experience:
  Technical University of Denmark (Denmark)
Miranda Stickel
Major: Environ & Ecological Engr
Study Abroad Experience:
  International Perspectives in Water Sciences and Management- India (India)
  CIEE-Seville: Liberal Arts (Spain)

College of Health and Human Sciences

Katheryn Beckemeier
Major: Nutrition Science
Study Abroad Experience:
  Intercultural Learning in Health and Human Sciences: Lived Experience in Greece (Greece)
  The Galapagos and Sustainability (Ecuador)
  Design History - UK, France and Belgium (Multiple Countries)
Yeajoon Han
Major: Kinesiology
Study Abroad Experience:
  Seoul National University (South Korea)
Ellery Law
Major: Brain and Behavioral Sci
Study Abroad Experience:
  Global Leadership in Peru for Freshmen (Peru)

College of Liberal Arts

Marisa Crescent
Major: Political Science
Study Abroad Experience:
  Summer in Madrid (Spain)
  Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) (Ecuador)
Adeline Waltz
Major: English
Study Abroad Experience:
  University of Essex (United Kingdom)

College of Science

Emma Gonyea
Major: Genetics
Study Abroad Experience:
  IFSA-University College Dublin (Ireland)
Priyam Gupta
Major: Computer Science
Study Abroad Experience:
  DIS-Copenhagen: Health, Science and Engineering Programs (Denmark)
Kyndall Osborne
Major: Genetics
Study Abroad Experience:
  IES-Vienna: Psychology in Vienna (Austria)

Polytechnic Institute

Jordyn Butler
Major: Comp Infrastr & Ntwk Engr
Study Abroad Experience:
  Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Madison Loyd
Major: UX Design
Study Abroad Experience:
  Explore the Global Classroom: Bavaria to Catalonia (Multiple Countries)

[Ambassador's Schedule of Events]

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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