Program Search Results

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Multiple Countries 
Alpine Adventures in Agriculture
SA 21262
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Multiple Countries (Austria, Liechtenstein, Germany, Switzerland)
Duration: Summer
Language Requirements: none Sem
Approved By: [College of Agriculture]
Specifically for: ANSC credit
ETH Zurich: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
SA 20276
Program Type: Exchange
Country: Switzerland
Duration: Spring Semester or 2 Semesters
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Agriculture] [College of Engineering] [College of Science]
International Clinical Rotation in Veterinary Internal Medicine
SA 80001
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Switzerland
Duration: Fall Semester
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Veterinary Medicine]
Specifically for: VM credit
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
SA 20275
Program Type: Exchange
Country: Switzerland
Duration: Spring Semester
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [Polytechnic Institute]

4 Programs Matched Criteria.

Notes to Professors:
For information on adding a departmental study abroad program, please click here.