Program Search Results

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Agriculture in Ireland -- Enrollment is currently closed --
SA 21263
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Ireland
Duration: Spring Break
GPA Requirements: Good Academic Standing
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Agriculture]
Specifically for: AGR or AGEC credit
Comparative Healthcare in Ireland -- Enrollment is currently closed --
SA 10215
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Ireland
Duration: Summer
GPA Requirements: Good Academic Standing
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Health and Human Sciences]
Specifically for: HHS Students interested in Healthcare
Comparative Issues in Higher Education: Ireland
SA 59000
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Ireland
Duration: Summer
GPA Requirements: Good Academic Standing
Language Requirements: none Sem
Approved By: [College of Education]
Specifically for: EDST credit
Dublin - MGMT 324 Marketing Management
SA 10709
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Ireland
Duration: Summer
GPA Requirements: 2.5
Language Requirements: none Sem
Approved By: [Daniels School of Business]
Specifically for: MGMT credit
Dublin Institute of Technology/ Technological University Dublin
SA 20195
Program Type: Exchange
Country: Ireland
Duration: Spring Semester or 2 Semesters
GPA Requirements: 3.0
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Agriculture] [College of Health and Human Sciences] [College of Liberal Arts] [Daniels School of Business] [Polytechnic Institute]
Specifically for: HTM, HSCI, NUTR (HHS), FS & ABE (AG)
Global Perspectives in Sports Medicine - Ireland -- Enrollment is currently closed --
SA 10221
SA 59000
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Ireland
Duration: Summer
GPA Requirements: Good Academic Standing
Language Requirements: none Sem
Approved By: [College of Health and Human Sciences]
Specifically for: HK credit
IES-Dublin: History, Politics and Social Change
SA 33008
Program Type: Co-sponsored
Country: Ireland
Duration: Semester or 2 Semesters
GPA Requirements: 2.75
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Liberal Arts]
IES-Dublin: History, Politics and Social Change
SA 33008
Program Type: Co-sponsored
Country: Ireland
Duration: Summer
GPA Requirements: 2.5
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Liberal Arts]
IES-Dublin: Summer Internship -- Enrollment is currently closed --
SA 33008
Program Type: Co-sponsored
Country: Ireland
Duration: Summer
GPA Requirements: 2.5
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Agriculture] [College of Health and Human Sciences] [College of Liberal Arts] [College of Science]
Specifically for: PSY & PUBH (HHS), CS (College of Science)
IES-Dublin: Trinity College
SA 33008
Program Type: Co-sponsored
Country: Ireland
Duration: Semester or 2 Semesters
GPA Requirements: 3.3
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Health and Human Sciences] [College of Liberal Arts]
Specifically for: HK, PSY, PUBH, & SLHS (HHS)
IES-Dublin: Writers Program
SA 33008
Program Type: Co-sponsored
Country: Ireland
Duration: Semester or 2 Semesters
GPA Requirements: 2.75
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Liberal Arts]
IFSA-University College Cork
SA 34010
Program Type: Co-sponsored
Country: Ireland
Duration: Semester or 2 Semesters
GPA Requirements: 2.8
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Health and Human Sciences] [College of Liberal Arts]
Specifically for: HK, PSY, PUBH, & SLHS (HHS)
IFSA-University College Dublin
SA 34020
Program Type: Co-sponsored
Country: Ireland
Duration: Semester or 2 Semesters
GPA Requirements: 3.0
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Health and Human Sciences] [College of Liberal Arts] [College of Science] [Daniels School of Business] [Interdisciplinary and Special Programs]
Specifically for: ENTR (Interdisciplinary & Special Programs)
IFSA-University of Galway
SA 34005
Program Type: Co-sponsored
Country: Ireland
Duration: Semester or 2 Semesters
GPA Requirements: 3.0
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Engineering] [College of Liberal Arts]
Specifically for: BME, CE, ECE, EEE, and ME (ENGR)
IFSA-University of Limerick
SA 34012
Program Type: Co-sponsored
Country: Ireland
Duration: Semester or 2 Semesters
GPA Requirements: 2.7
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Health and Human Sciences] [College of Liberal Arts] [College of Science] [Daniels School of Business]
Specifically for: BIOL, CHM, & PHYS (SCI) and HK, PSY, PUBH, & SLHS (HHS)
International Construction Management in Ireland
SA 10910
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Ireland
Duration: Summer
GPA Requirements: Good Academic Standing
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [Polytechnic Institute]
Specifically for: BCM credit
Medical Device Development and Manufacturing Tour in Ireland -- Enrollment is currently closed --
SA 10517
SA 59000
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Ireland
Duration: Spring Break
GPA Requirements: Good Academic Standing
Language Requirements: none Sem
Approved By: [College of Engineering]
Specifically for: BME credit
National University of Ireland - Galway/ University of Galway
SA 20198
Program Type: Exchange
Country: Ireland
Duration: Semester or 2 Semesters
GPA Requirements: 3.0
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Engineering] [College of Liberal Arts]
Specifically for: BME, ECE, ME, CE, EEE (ENGR)
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Study Abroad in Ireland -- Enrollment is currently closed --
SA 10525
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Ireland
Duration: Spring Break
GPA Requirements: Good Academic Standing
Language Requirements: none Sem
Approved By: [College of Engineering]
Specifically for: CHE credit
Public Health in Ireland -- Enrollment is currently closed --
SA 10222
SA 59000
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Ireland
Duration: Summer
GPA Requirements: 3.25
Language Requirements: none Sem
Approved By: [College of Health and Human Sciences]
Specifically for: HSCI Credit
Roller Coaster Design in Ireland -- Enrollment is currently closed --
SA 10522
Program Type: Departmental
Country: Ireland
Duration: Summer
GPA Requirements: Good Academic Standing
Language Requirements: none Sem
Approved By: [College of Engineering]
Specifically for: ME credit
University College Dublin
SA 20196
Program Type: Exchange
Country: Ireland
Duration: Semester
GPA Requirements: 3.0
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Health and Human Sciences] [College of Liberal Arts] [College of Science]
Specifically for: PSY (HHS)
University College Dublin - AG
SA 21214
Program Type: Exchange
Country: Ireland
Duration: Semester or 2 Semesters
GPA Requirements: 3.0
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Agriculture]
University College Dublin - AG
SA 21214
Program Type: Direct Enroll
Country: Ireland
Duration: Semester
GPA Requirements: 3.0
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Agriculture]
Multiple Countries 
FIE: Conflict and the Struggle for Peace
SA 36021
Program Type: Co-sponsored
Country: Multiple Countries (Ireland, Jordan)
Duration: Summer
GPA Requirements: 2.75
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Liberal Arts] [Daniels School of Business]
Specifically for: IDIS, SLC, HIST & POL (CLA)
Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship
SA 31015
Program Type: Independent Study
Country: Multiple Countries (USA, Ireland, South Africa)
Duration: Summer
GPA Requirements: 3.3
Language Requirements: none
Approved By: [College of Liberal Arts] [Interdisciplinary and Special Programs]

26 Programs Matched Criteria.

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